Single Family Homes

At Hollington Law Firm, we specialize in representing homeowners in Colorado who are dealing with construction defects in their single-family homes. Our experienced legal team is dedicated to protecting your rights and ensuring that you receive the compensation and repairs you deserve. With a deep understanding of Colorado's construction defect laws, our residential construction lawyer offers comprehensive legal services tailored to address a wide range of issues that can affect single-family homes.

Types of Construction Defects

A "construction defect" is a property condition that does not meet generally accepted standards of reasonableness in the construction industry. Most often these standards are defined by the construction contract or local building codes, which are often modeled off the International Building Code.

With respect to Colorado construction defect law, there are a variety of "construction defects" that can arise during or after the construction of a new home. These can generally be broken down into "patent" and "latent" construction defects.

  • Patent Construction Defects: A "patent defect" is a construction defect that is readily apparent to a trained building professional during a site inspection. These defects are easily visible without the need to perform any intrusive or destructive testing to find them. Examples of patent defects include: large cracks in a basement's foundation, a prematurely aging roof, faulty plumbing, faulty electrical work, and building code violations.

  • Latent Construction Defects: On the other hand, a "latent defect" is a construction defect that may exist at the time of construction but isn't detected until after the construction project is completed. Unlike patent defects that can be detected and cured early on, latent defects can take years to manifest and can lead to significant structural damage. Latent construction defects include: building subsidence (sinking), ineffective waterproofing, and under strength structural components such as joists, I-beams, and roof trusses.

Common Construction Defects in Colorado

Being a Colorado construction defect attorney, we have seen the gamut of construction defects in new home construction and renovations. The most common types of construction defects in Colorado include:

  • Expansive Soils: Colorado, especially the greater Denver area, has high concentrations of "expansive soils." Expansive soil is a soil/clay that is prone to expansion or shrinkage with variations in water volume. Failing to account for expansive soils during the construction process can cause building subsidence, which can lead to damaged foundations, slab movement, cracked stucco, cracked drywall, and other structural defects.

  • Roofing: Roofing is common construction defect. Failing to properly seal penetrations and transitions and properly ensure adequate roof slope are two common defects that can cause water to pool and eventually find its way inside the structure.

  • Windows and Doors: Failing to adequately seal around door and window jambs and trim can allow water, drafts, and pests into the structure.

  • Balconies and Decks: Issues with these exterior features may include design or installation flaws. The failure to ensure that the feature adequately slopes away from the structure can also direct water towards the structure.

  • Grading and Drainage: It is crucial that water be directed away from the home and foundation. Unfortunately, many builders fail to ensure adequate slope, which will direct water towards the home. This can cause leaks, root, mold, and foundation problems.

Our Legal Services

1. Comprehensive Case Evaluation

  • Legal Consultation: We provide an initial free consultation to discuss your case, understand the specifics of your situation, and outline the best course of action.

  • Detailed Inspections: We conduct thorough inspections of your property to identify and document any construction defects. Our team works closely with industry experts to ensure all issues are accurately assessed.

2. Identification of Construction Defects

Following an initial property inspection, we will coordinate with necessary experts to identify and address the construction defects your property has. These often include the following:

  • Structural Defects: Issues with the foundation, framing, roofing, and other structural elements that compromise the integrity of your home.

  • Water Intrusion and Mold: Problems related to improper waterproofing, poor drainage, or defective roofing that can lead to mold growth and water damage.

  • HVAC, Electrical, and Plumbing Defects: Malfunctions or defects in heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems, electrical wiring, or plumbing that can pose safety risks and affect the livability of your home.

  • Code Violations: Identifying areas where construction does not meet local, state, or national building codes and regulations.

3. Legal Representation and Litigation

  • Negotiations: We negotiate with builders, contractors, and insurance companies on your behalf to seek fair settlements that cover the cost of repairs and any associated damages.

  • Litigation: If necessary, we are prepared to take your case to court. Our experienced litigators will advocate for your rights, presenting a compelling case to achieve the best possible outcome.

  • Mediation and Arbitration: We explore alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve conflicts efficiently, often achieving quicker and more amicable results.

4. Builder and Contractor Accountability

  • Holding Builders Accountable: We work to ensure that builders and contractors adhere to their legal and contractual obligations, seeking remedies for any breaches.

  • Warranty Enforcement: Assistance in enforcing builder warranties to ensure that promised repairs and services are provided.

5. Repair Coordination

  • Expert Coordination: We coordinate with reputable construction experts and contractors to ensure that all necessary repairs are completed to the highest standards.

  • Monitoring Progress: Our team monitors the repair process to ensure compliance with agreed-upon standards and timelines.

6. Ongoing Support

  • Continuous Communication: We keep you informed throughout the entire process, providing updates and answering any questions you may have.

  • Post-Resolution Support: Our commitment to your satisfaction extends beyond the resolution of your case, offering ongoing support for any future concerns related to your home.

Why Choose Hollington Law Firm as Your Residential Construction Lawyer?

  • Experienced Professionals: Our team has extensive experience in construction defect law, specifically related to single-family homes in Colorado.

  • Client-Centered Approach: We prioritize your needs and work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

  • Proven Track Record: Our firm has a history of successful resolutions, securing significant settlements and judgments for our clients.

  • Dedicated Advocacy: We are passionate about protecting homeowners' rights and ensuring that builders and contractors are held accountable.

Contact Us Today

If you suspect that your single-family home has construction defects, don't wait to seek legal assistance from a residential construction lawyer. Contact Hollington Law Firm today to schedule your free consultation. Let us help you safeguard your investment and restore your peace of mind.

At Hollington Law Firm, we are committed to standing by your side every step of the way, ensuring that you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Reach out to us today, and let's work together to resolve your residential construction defect issues.