Toxic Torts

At Hollington Law Firm, we understand the serious risks that toxic substances and environmental hazards pose in construction projects. When construction practices lead to the release of harmful materials into homes, workplaces, or the surrounding environment, the consequences can be life-altering. If you or a loved one has been exposed to toxic substances due to poor construction practices, or if your property has been damaged by environmental contamination, we are here to help you seek justice.

What Are Toxic Tort and Environmental Exposure Claims?

Toxic torts are legal claims that arise when someone is harmed by exposure to toxic substances. In the context of construction, these claims often involve exposure to hazardous materials used in construction projects, such as asbestos, lead, mold, or chemical spills. Environmental exposure claims involve the contamination of land, water, or air, often stemming from improper disposal of hazardous substances during construction.

Construction companies, contractors, and developers have a legal responsibility to follow safety protocols and regulations when handling toxic materials. When they fail to do so, the results can be devastating for the health and safety of those involved, and they may be held accountable through legal action.

Common Construction-Related Toxic Exposure Claims

Construction practices can inadvertently lead to toxic exposure and environmental hazards, often resulting in serious health conditions. Here are some examples of common toxic tort and environmental claims related to construction:

  1. Asbestos Exposure. Asbestos, widely used in construction for insulation and fireproofing, poses significant health risks. Many older buildings still contain asbestos, and when construction activities such as demolition or renovation disturb asbestos materials, toxic fibers can become airborne, leading to serious conditions like mesothelioma or lung cancer from asbestos exposure. If proper handling and safety measures are not followed, individuals exposed to asbestos may have a strong toxic tort claim.

  2. Lead-Based Paint Exposure. Lead paint was common in homes built before 1978. Renovation or construction work can disturb lead-based paint exposure, creating hazardous dust that can cause severe health issues, especially in children. Lead poisoning can result in developmental delays, cognitive impairments, and other long-term health effects. Construction firms must follow stringent EPA regulations regarding lead-safe practices; failure to comply may lead to liability for exposure.

  3. Mold Exposure. Poor construction practices, such as faulty waterproofing or inadequate ventilation, can create conditions conducive to mold growth. Exposure to toxic mold, such as black mold (Stachybotrys chartarum), can cause respiratory issues, allergic reactions, and other health complications. Homeowners who suffer from mold-related health issues due to construction defects can seek damages through toxic tort claims.

  4. Silica Exposure. Silica dust is commonly generated during construction activities like cutting or grinding concrete. Without adequate protective measures, workers may inhale silica dust, leading to lung disease, including silicosis. Construction companies have a duty to implement dust control measures and provide proper safety equipment. Failure to protect workers from silica exposure can result in toxic tort claims for work-related illnesses.

  5. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Exposure. Construction materials such as paints, adhesives, and sealants can emit VOCs like formaldehyde or benzene, which are harmful when inhaled. Prolonged exposure in poorly ventilated areas can lead to headaches, respiratory issues, and even long-term illnesses such as cancer. If negligent construction practices lead to hazardous VOC levels in homes or buildings, occupants may be entitled to compensation for their injuries.

  6. Groundwater Contamination. Contamination of groundwater can occur when toxic substances used in construction, such as oil, gasoline, or chemical solvents, are improperly handled. Nearby residents may suffer from health problems if their drinking water becomes contaminated, or the value of their property may be diminished. Environmental exposure claims for groundwater contamination can seek damages for both personal injuries and property damage.

  7. Radon Exposure. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can seep into homes through foundation cracks, especially if construction activities exacerbate these issues. Prolonged exposure to high levels of radon can cause lung cancer. Builders and contractors must follow proper testing and mitigation procedures to ensure radon risks are minimized.

  8. Chemical Spills or Improper Disposal. Construction projects often use hazardous chemicals, such as solvents and fuels, that need to be handled with care. Improper disposal or accidental spills during construction can lead to contamination of the soil, air, or water, posing serious health risks to nearby residents. If construction companies fail to comply with environmental regulations or safety protocols, they may be liable for environmental cleanup costs and personal injury claims.

  9. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). PCBs, once widely used in electrical equipment and caulking, are highly toxic and persist in the environment. During renovation or demolition of older buildings, improper handling of PCB-containing materials can lead to exposure, which is linked to cancer and immune system damage. Construction companies must carefully follow safety guidelines to prevent exposure, or they may face toxic tort claims.

How We Can Help

At Hollington Law Firm, we have the knowledge and expertise to handle complex toxic tort and environmental claims. We work with leading experts in environmental science, industrial hygiene, and medicine to build strong cases for our clients. Whether you have been exposed to hazardous materials as a homeowner, tenant, or construction worker, we can help you navigate the legal process and seek compensation for your injuries and damages.

Why Choose Us?

  • Experience: Our team has experience representing clients in toxic tort and environmental claims, especially in the context of construction-related exposures.

  • Comprehensive Legal Support: We handle every aspect of your claim, from investigating the source of exposure to negotiating settlements or representing you in court.

  • Expert Resources: We work with a network of experts to prove causation, assess damages, and hold negligent parties accountable.

  • Client-Centered Approach: We prioritize clear communication and work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Get the Legal Help You Deserve

If you or a loved one has been harmed due to toxic exposure or environmental contamination stemming from construction practices, don’t wait to seek legal help. Toxic tort cases can be complicated, and having an experienced legal team on your side is essential. Contact Hollington Law Firm today for a consultation, and let us fight for your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve.